Therapy Services
“Our dedicated team continues to pursue best practice, sharing research and knowledge across the sector.”
- Melissa Boekhoorn, Executive General Manager Therapy Services
Physiotherapy | Occupational Therapy | Speech Pathology | Dietetics | Social Work
Exercise Physiology | ConsultAbility | Positive Behaviour Support | Psychology
Therapy Services
by numbers
Hours of therapy services provided
Hours of positive behaviour support services provided
Customers supported by Telethon funded Early Childhood Intervention services
Customers supported to move out of hospital through From Hospital To Home service
“The IBIS program has not only been good for Aiyla with her development and reaching her milestones, it’s also been great for us with the support and reassurance.”
Gloria, Aiyla’s mum
Aiyla’s story
Aiyla, born seven weeks prematurely and weighing only 1.4 kilos, faced challenges in achieving crucial developmental milestones, causing concern for her parents. Following medical consultations, Aiyla was referred to Ability WA’s In-Home Baby Intervention Service (IBIS).
IBIS is available to babies considered at risk of neurodevelopmental conditions up to the age of 24 months. The innovative family-centered program sees Ability WA therapists monitor a baby’s developmental progress and provide advice and strategies to support their development, wellbeing and participation within everyday routines.
Ability WA occupational therapist, Stephanie, worked with Aiyla and her family to develop her fine motor skills and Aiyla is now able to hold and play with her toys!
This progress paves the way for the next step in Aiyla’s developmental journey, mastering standing and crawling. Stephanie and the Ability WA team are confident that, with the help of IBIS, Aiyla will be able to hit these and other key milestones – empowering her with the skills she will need throughout her childhood and into adulthood.
Ability WA’s IBIS program has been so successful that over 50% of participants don’t enter the NDIS.